Principles for user-centred front-end development
Whenever you publish, where ever you publish it is always a slightly weird feeling when you publish it for the first time.
When I write something it is either with a purpose to give people context or more often to give me clarity.
With The web we choose to build it was a post I had wrote ages ago, but recently validated with some other front-end developers.
A perfect alignment of clarity and purpose.
The princples -
- Accessible — Use semantic HTML, and make sure we meet the WCAG 2.1 AA standard as a minimum and it works with assisted technologies (this sits alongside the DWP Accessibility Manual)
- Agnostic — Build mobile-first and make it work across a range of devices, and user contexts
- Robust — Use progressive enhancement, make sure what we build fails gracefully
- Performant — Optimise our code/assets for the best possible performance across a range of networks and devices
- Secure — Create a secure service which protects users’ privacy. Use strict content security policies and guard against common OWASP attacks.
From the The web we choose to build